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Ondel-ondel Jakarta

My presence from birth until now always breathe on land pinggirin Jakarta area, which some friends call betawi periphery. So the behavior of my life was almost unaffected by the culture betawi periphery. To know the meaning of the betawi periphery, allow me to invite friends to dive into it.
A research on the years 1989-1990 and 1991-1992 indicate that the native city of Jakarta, which used to be called as Betawi people can be divided into various groups. They are quite different in terms of socio-economic background and location of distribution as a result of different historical journey. For the term that is often imposed on these groups, we classify them as Middle Batavia, Betawi Betawi Sidewalk and clownish. It should be noted that this division sermata-eye for the benefit and ease of analysis, the reality is the existence of these groups Betawi noted and emphasized in conducting research. The existence of these groups Betawi itself is not new. The problem is very few observers are aware of it, and even fewer of them who cares. One reason is that these observers assume that one group is typical Betawi Betawi while the others are not. Betawi people who live in urban areas are called "Betawi City", they call themselves as indigenous people of Jakarta. Betawi people who exist in the suburbs of Jakarta called 'Betawi Ora'. In my point of view, the "Betawi Ora" is that supposed to be "as the original inhabitants of Jakarta because they are strictly and consistently carry Betawi tradition, while the Betawi city heavily influenced by outside keBetawian tradition so that their way of life different from" Betawi Ora ". Written sources that there is no question about Betawi Betawi group where they were saying. Consequently the conclusions drawn are generalizations though they are actually looking at are specific groups of Betawi. Yet our research has proven that overlook the Betawi groups, has led to conclusions that are not representative of actual Betawi, which in turn leads to negative stereotypes about these groups is not surprising that the conclusions drawn are less acceptable by the Betawi people themselves because they do not happen to come from the population studied. Until some time ago among the Betawi people are still very limited perception keBetawiannya. As a traditional Betawi, which is also included Betawi tradition since this tradition is used by people as an expression of diversity Betawi their daily lives, but this is the view that different observers of the Betawi people view themselves often do not want to admit it as part of the Betawi tradition. MisaInya Middle Betawi people do not recognize the tradition of the Betawi Sidewalk and vice versa. 

In this regard keBetawian, it is felt necessary to describe briefly the various groups of Betawi are there so keBetawian picture of diversity must be clear. Thus if the conclusion of the Betawi it must be clear to which group they were talking, so that their conclusions are relevant only to the group wrote. The following description of the Middle Batavia, Betawi Betawi Sidewalk and hicks trying to give opportunity to the reader to understand these groups in the sense keBetawian. This map tries to give the location of distribution groups Betawi in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Even here we make a classification-classification on the Betawi Betawi not mean broken down or in different differentiated nor deny the existence of Batavia as a whole. This classification is merely intended to clarify the issue when talking about the Betawi so it does not carry over to the conclusion that is not representative. The classification of a group of people is common. MisaInya, people can be distinguished on the Batak Karo Batak, Batak Toba, Batak Mandailing and so on so well with the Minangkabau who also can be distinguished on the coast, the land and so forth. The Javanese are often distinguished by observers in the scientific world as well as the layman on the Java students, Java and Java priyayi abangan. The same thing happened to other tribes in the world. Grouping is caused due to lifestyle or they have different cultures so that this grouping will be very helpful in understanding the tribal question.
Betawi indigenous population residing in urban areas is currently very little. Most of them live in groups of one offspring or relatives.Currently they are still visible in the Great Wetland areas, a small part in Taman Sari, Gang Ketapang, Kebon Jeruk, Krukut and Pekojan area. Some of them still adhere to some past lifestyle. This can be seen on special occasions wedding, Lebaran, circumcision, or in the life of their society. Although there is a shift in the younger generation Betawi culture, both men and women in the matter of religion but they still hold firm, as the Koran to children teens, Majlis study groups for mothers and tadarusan for men. The language often used by them is the Middle Betawi dialect. Those that included Middle Betawi are those who in the history of the Betawi people began settling section of Jakarta city formerly called the residency of Batavia, and now including Central Jakarta.This location is part of the city's most urban in character. These sections in the preliminary stages of the city hit by urbanization and modernization of the most high. One result is the Betawi people who live in this area is the tallest man marries campurnya level when compared with the Betawi people who live in the suburbs of Jakarta or other tribes in Jakarta. 

Based on their economic level, the Betawi people who live in the middle of Jakarta could be distinguished, one gedong or as a villager. Giving the term is apparently based on their residence. In a sense, the existence of gedong keBetawian realize it or not will not be recognized by the villagers. But not so the villagers, because of his lifestyle led to their presence as an ethnic Betawi is perceived as part of the tradition. Another consequence of the process of modernization and urbanization in the center of Jakarta, the Betawi people who sold their home town and move to the higher edge of the city that still has cheap land prices. This area is actually the domicile of the Betawi Pinggir. Therefore, now many people are there in the Middle Betawi Betawi Pinggir area. Even some of those moving into the area Betawi hicks. Many of the people and the Betawi Betawi Sidewalk these hicks do not know that their new neighbor is also the Betawi people but because they bear patterns and a different lifestyle, people think they are hicks Betawi (Batavia As the Betawi culture that contrasts with the image that there are about Betawi people, then people of Central Betawi (people gedong) highly educated. Many of our respondents even from the older generation has a higher education. The present generation not only achieve a university education but even many of their children studying abroad. And they are classified as Betawi hicks in our opinion is a native in the vicinity of Jakarta, including Bo-ta-defender. Formerly this area include administrative region of Batavia, but now they include administrative region of West Java (Iihat the light on the Map of Batavia). Therefore they are culturally Betawi people but because of changes in administrative boundaries so now including people who live in the administrative area of ​​West Java.
Betawi hicks
There are two types of Betawi hicks, to those who live in the northern part of Jakarta and West Jakarta and Tangerang, they are heavily influenced by Chinese culture. And others are they the left on the east and south of Jakarta, Bekasi and Bogor A very influenced by the Sundanese culture. They generally come from lower economic classes in general the convergence in agriculture. Their educational level is very low when compared with the stage of education achieved by the people of Central and Betawi Betawi Pinggir. The role of Islam in daily life hicks Betawi people are different from the role of Islam among the people of Central and Betawi Betawi Edge of where in the last two groups of Betawi the Islamic religion holds an extremely important role and determine the behavior patterns of their daily lives days. It should be noted that now there have been changes in employment and education among the Betawi hicks where gradually the level and pattern of their work closer to the pattern of employment and educational patterns Betawi Betawi people in Central and Sidewalk.
Betawi edge
While the Middle Betawi people are more superior in terms of socio-economic background clibandingkan with other Betawi group, the Betawi Sidewalk superior in terms of religious education. From the first, Middle Betawi people tend to send their children to public schools as their formal education, then the Edge of the Betawi people send their children to boarding schools as their formal education. That's why the Betawi refuse when they are deemed disadvantaged in terms of education when compared with other groups in Indonesia, the truth is they have a different form of education with other tribes. Although the Middle Betawi formally educated in Public Schools, religious education according to them is a very important part in their lives. The process of societal Middle Betawi people can not be separated from the pattern of religious life. This socialization process has established a religious life as part of their daily lives. So although the Betawi Edge of giving attention to religious education when compared with the Middle Betawi, religious education remains a very important role in the lives of Middle Betawi. Differences in perceptions between non-Betawi Betawi people's perceptions about the Betawi is because knowledge of the non-Betawi is a picture of people who live dipinggiran Betawl Jakarta and generally come from lower socio-economic layers. Very little written about the Betawi people are in the middle of Jakarta. If anything, the writing is generally about people from lower classes Betawi (Batavia Central - a villager, red) and the best of our knowledge there is no inscription on the upper middle class or upper class Betawi (Batavia Middle - people Apparently this is because they are interested in or writing about people keBetawian Betawi Betawi people do not realize that the Middle, especially those gedong, is Ora Betawi (Batavia, or the Middle Betawi people are not interesting to write because of their lifestyle by outside is not considered Betawi; or those who hide keBetawian their own, my own opinion that they might be less attractive to be written by analysts Betawi but this did not mean that they do not represent the Betawi group. This fact often causes the renderer problem - the problem keBetawian less attention to the fact that there Betawi groups, each of which in some ways quite different from each other. The following quantitative data give an idea about the difference in numbers of people of Central Batavia, Betawi Betawi Sidewalk and hicks in the sense of background work and their education.

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